Good afternoon, two days ago I wrote you (to <span class=»gI»>[email protected])</span> talking about some points of the demo version of the new game but I haven’t received response, so I copy the message again:

< Good night, I adress to you since I tried the demo version for Mac of Love, Money, Rock’n’Roll (good job, indeed) and I’ve found some points to write you about. First at all, when I try Kagome route the game stops at 3rd night (just after reciving the warning call that awakes the protagonist): a black shape blocks the game and I can’t past to the fourth day (last one of the demo), only letting me to open the menu with the secondary botton. If I recall right, the choices I’ve taken were 1. Both options (step in or not, I don’t know by know if that makes difference) ; 2. Go for a walk ; 3. Don’t do anything ; 4. Any of the three answers (indifferent) ; 5. Indifferent (hiding or not) ; 6. Indifferent (truth or lie).
The second one is about the train: sometimes you hear it not having to (for instance, once finished talking with Himitsu on 4th day with the train in the border I can still listen how it passes, and the music doesn’t change), overpasses the buildings (partially) or simply doesn’t match the noise or the train itself with the timing. The third and last is some minor details, like some overforced/rough changes of landscape/background or a kind of awkward loadings relaited with closing and opening the dialogs (most of them when the character goes or wakes from bed).
Anyway, as supporter and player thanks for developing such game and I hope that with Kickstarter ending this VN to be great, even more than the previous! I look forward to enrich the game, like facial emotions! >
I hope that this post would be usefull for your development and our joy!