Just An Update

Hi there!

The 4th of November is National Reconciliation Day in Russia, and we are very delighted to have your support every step of the way!

For the last two months, we have done some significant upgrades regarding the quality of the sprites in the game, based on your feedback. Apart from the overall increase in the level of details and finessing, we have been reworking the emotions of the characters, so that their exterior would fit the CG. The completed sprites have been handed over to our animation artist, so you are fully entitled to seeing better animations in comparison with the demo.

Besides, we are still working on the code and scenario. Our project is approaching the stage of alpha testing, which we will communicate later. We are continuously putting quality first so that you will be able to enjoy a worthy product.

Please remain calm – after some downturn (that has been caused by the objective reasons), we have regained our velocity!

Please don’t forget about the preorder! You can still make one before the release and enjoy some excellent bonuses.