Дорогие друзья, вот и закончились новогодние праздники, но для настоящего разработчика игр праздник, как известно, каждый день!
Author: admin
Holiday Every Day
Dear friends, the Christmas and NY holidays are behind us, but as they say, for a real game developer, every day is a holiday (we wish it were true)!
Happy New Year 2022!
Dear friends! The year 2021 is coming to an end. Today I don’t want to talk about how difficult it’s been for all of us — you’ll hear plenty of that elsewhere.
Final Rehearsal
Hello, dear friends! We know that many of you have been waiting for the end of Autumn to learn the release date of “Love, Money, Rock’n’Roll”. We’re pleased to reveal just that: the game will come out on the 2nd of June 2022! Finishing the core codebase took somewhat longer than we initially anticipated, but this time we can assure you, firmly and clearly, that LMR will be released at or before the aforementioned date no matter what!
Ramen and dessert
Hello, dear friends! Unfortunately, the new Coronavirus wave has tightly gripped our country, so first and foremost we’d like to ask you to take care of yourself and your close ones!
In the recent posts we promised to bring you good news this Autumn, and Autumn is not yet over! In all seriousness though, we’re all still working tirelessly to bring Love Money Rock’n’Roll to completion at the earliest possible date. However, there’s little chance we’ll be able to do so in 2021. Naturally, we have some internal approximate milestones, but we want to finish the game as soon as possible without sacrificing its quality, so we think it’ll only be right to announce the exact date when we’re absolutely sure of it ourselves. But we promise that before the end of Autumn, we will tell you the release date we’ll stick to for sure!
Big Floppa
Dear friends!
The last day of September bids us farewell with its crimson rays of sunlight, which means the time has come for yet another progress update.
Every game comes a long way from its conception to release. And even in the latest stages of development, different beta versions may be quite different from each other. Even the very term “playable” doesn’t make the product ready to be shown to a wider audience.
Dear friends,
The hottest summer in the history of meteorological observations is coming to its end. Weather forecasters tell as that such heatwaves will only become more frequent. And while global warming walks the planet in a sure step, we, the small people, go about our business — we give you the monthly report.
Warmth is to be found here
Dear friends,
We can feel the summer in the air, but along with long-awaited warmth came another spike of Covid-19 infections in Russia. Take good care of yourselves and your close ones, make sure you are vaccinated and stay healthy and sound!
April’s Truth
The spring is in full swing, the May holidays are around the corner, which means it is the time for another update!