It’s the first day of winter, which means it’s time for yet another update!
Author: admin
Red October!
Good day, ladies and gentlemen! The days grow shorter, the leaves start to fall, the air grows chilly, and the October update arrives!
Ambers Falling
September’s update.
Green and Orange
Hello, dear readers, and welcome to our status update for August.
Once again, the summer turned to not be everlasting, but that’s good, for the end of one thing always signifies the start of another.
Cold summer
Hello and welcome to Soviet Games’ status update for July!
Mother nature is trying its hardest to undermine the development process by refusing to bring Summer to Moscow and upsetting us with gloom, cold, and rains. But we’re having none of it!
100 Days Of Summer
Hello, everyone! Today’s the day we give you yet another regular status update, this time for the month of May. Although, judging by the weather here in Moscow, you would think it’s November.
It’s alive!
Hello, dear friends and supporters. The time is high for a new post, and today we have some important news to tell and discuss with you.
A long road
Every creative product starts with an idea, a concept. The idea for “Love, Money. Rock’n’Roll”, together with the synopsis of its first in-game week, was born one chilly November evening of 2012.
Happy New Year!
Dear friends!
The year 2016 has come to an end! It hasn’t been the easiest both for the world in general and for our country in particular — you know as much. But this is not a blog about politics, so let’s focus on the positives! We can’t say that there have been any significant events shaking the Everlasting Summer community in the past year; however, this autumn we have finally released the demo version of our new game — “Love, Money, Rock’n’Roll”! Not to mention, with your help, we have successfully finished the Kickstarter campaign for it!